If you have a complaint or a question regarding Turfgrass Specialists you can find specific information about the Turfgrass Specialists complaint number, email & phone number. Which allows you to solve your problem or any of your questions.
Different ways to Complaint Turfgrass Specialists
Way 1: Call the Turfgrass Specialists complaint line on 0800 488 734 , +64 9-572 8001. if you have a complaint about a product or service.
Way 2: Here are the second ways to make a compliant on Turfgrass Specialists Customer Care email via: sales@turfgrass.co.nz
Ways 3: If you have failed to complaint by phone number and email, you can also complaint through his social media account such as, Turfgrass Specialists Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, etc…
Turfgrass Specialists complaint via phone number, email and Contact form
Complaint Phone number: 0800 488 734 , +64 9-572 8001
Turfgrass Specialists Complaint Email: sales@turfgrass.co.nz
The Complaint via Support Form: support form
Turfgrass Specialists Complaint via website: Turfgrass Specialists.co.nz
Turfgrass Specialists Head Office address: 38 Hannigan Drive, St Johns, Auckland 1072, New Zealand
Customer service hours of Turfgrass Specialists New Zealand
Turfgrass Specialists hours today | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | Closed | Closed |
Tuesday | 07:30 AM | 04:00 PM |
Wednesday | 07:30 AM | 04:00 PM |
Thursday | 07:30 AM | 04:00 PM |
Friday | 07:30 AM | 04:00 PM |
Saturday | Closed | Closed |
Sunday | Closed | Closed |
Turfgrass Specialists New Zealand customer service Number & Email
Call: 0800 488 734
If you are having any trouble with the services of Turfgrass Specialists and want to inquire about the services and products, you can contact the company right away. You can use this number for various tasks such as:
- Products Issue
- Hardware
- Etc…
Customer Care Email for Turfgrass Specialists
Turfgrass Specialists customer service email: sales@turfgrass.co.nz
Turfgrass Specialists Products & Services
- Seed
- Chemical
- Fertiliser
- Hardware
- Etc..
About Turfgrass Specialists
Turfgrass Specialists brings together a team with a combined 160 years of experience in the sports turf industry, including over 40 years of practical experience, to supply and support the professional turf market with seed, chemical, fertiliser and hardware.
Read Also: Unique Complaint Number & Email