Contact Energy head office Phone Number [August 2023]

If you are looking for Contact energy NZ head Office phone number and Address you can easily find out here. Most of the operations handled from Contact energy headquarter.

You can call the Contact Energy phone number is 0800 224 424 and get information about Contact energy service and other.

Company Profile

  • Name: Contact energy Company
  • CEO: Mike Fuge (Feb 24, 2020–)
  • Headquarters: Wellington, New Zealand
  • Founded: 1996
  • Number of employees: 934

Contact energy headquarter Address

Here you can contact via Contact energy corporate address is: PO Box 10742 The Terrace Wellington 6143.. If you have any questions any suggestions try this head office address for fast response.

You can check all important details and fastest ways to reach Contact energy NZ customer service team and other departments for any kind of help, general information and technical support.

Contact energy number nz 0800 224 424
Contact energy support Email NA
Contact energy corporate number (04) 499 4001
Contact energy corporate address PO Box 10742 The Terrace Wellington 6143.
Official website
Facebook page @Contact energy
Twitter page @Contact energy


Contact Energy Limited is a New Zealand electricity generator, natural gas wholesaler and electricity, natural gas, broadband and LPG retailer.

they talk to customers every day and their feedback has helped us shape the constantly evolving set of products, services and rewards they provide, giving them greater choice. the use of data, insights and digital channels will be crucial to providing the customers with personalised service in a cost effective manner.

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