If you have a complaint or a question regarding Calliope Sea Scout you can find specific information about the Calliope Sea Scout complaint number, email & phone number. Which allows you to solve your problem or any of your questions.
Different ways to Complaint Calliope Sea Scout
Way 1: Call the Calliope Sea Scout complaint line on +64 9-445 3602. if you have a complaint about a product or service.
Way 2:Â Here are the second ways to make a compliant on Calliope Sea Scout email:
Ways 3: If you have failed to complaint by phone number and email, you can also complaint through his social media account such as, Calliope Sea Scout Face book page, Twitter, Instagram, etc…
The Complaint via Support Form: Support For
Calliope Sea Scout Complaint via website: calliope.org.nz
Calliope Sea Scout Head Office address: 25 King Edward Parade, Devonport, Auckland 0624, New Zealand
Customer service hours of Calliope Sea Scout e New Zealand
Today hours | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 04.30 am | 09.00 pm |
Tuesday | 04.30 am | 09.00 pm |
Wednesday | 04.30 am | 09.00 pm |
Thursday | 04.30 am | 09.00 pm |
Friday | 04.30 am | 09.00 pm |
Saturday | Closed | Closed |
Sunday | Closed | Closed |
Products & Services
- General Photographs
- Etc…
About Calliope Sea Scout
The Calliope Sea Scout Group was founded on the 25th June 1921 by Capt R Woods who was the first scout leader.
In Dec 1922 The Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Jellicoe visited “The Ship” and signed the log book. Since then the Group has attended numerous Jamboree’s and Regattas, the latest of which was 1997, where we were awarded the Trophy for the most improved group.